Saturday, August 5, 2017

Commercial Real Estate Lending

Commercial real estate financing

Banks and alternative lenders are not shying away from commercial real estate debt in the tail end of this cycle. Flickr/401(K) 2012 Lending continued to climb moderately in the second quarter, thanks in part to a large jump in commercial mortgaged-backed securities debt. Capital markets remain favorable, pushing lending volume up across all major groups, CBRE reports. CMBS issuance jumped in Q2 to $38.8B year-to-date, well above the $30.7B in CMBS debt issued at the same period last year. “The overall lending environment is well supplied with debt capital from all sources; CMBS, life companies, banks and alternative lenders are all actively issuing bridge and permanent financing quotes,” CBRE Capital Markets Global President Brian Stoffers said in a statement. “The recent surge in CMBS mortgages demonstrated that these lenders are becoming increasingly comfortable with risk-retention rules that kicked in at the end of last year.”

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