Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Finding the Right Commercial Mortgage and Commercial Mortgage Rate

Use our Commercial Mortgage Broker services for the best rates and terms. Have an advocate on your side. For more information call at 516-590-9803 or visit www.businesslendinginfocenter.com.

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Long Island Commercial mortgage

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Hello, this is Paul Warkow from Business Lending Info Center. This is the place to be if you are looking for a commercial mortgage, whether it be purchasing a new property or refinancing your current property. Call me, e-mail me or click on the button at the bottom of this video to go over situation and figure out what is right for you.

When you are searching for a commercial mortgage, why would need our services. There are several reasons why using us as your commercial mortgage broker makes sense.

First, we have many lending sources. This is not one size fits all. Whatever your situation or needs, we can find the lending source that is best for you. In addition, we can shop around for the best terms among the lending alternatives.

Next, we have developed relationships with the various lenders. They know us and we know them. Each lender has its own way of doing things and putting together best commercial mortgage package varies. Our experience will help the borrower make sure that the application submitted to a particular lender will naturally lead to an approval.

In addition, researching the various lending alternatives on your own takes time and effort. We take that burden off our client. We will take the time to shop and find the programs to suit your needs. The borrower will have organized list of proposals. Knowing all the terms to these financing proposals and being able to compare them will allow the client to make an informed decision.

Finally, you will have an advocate on your side. If things go wrong or if the lender may feel uneasy about a certain aspect of the mortgage package, we can step in and smooth things over. Due to our relationships with these lenders, we can overcome objections and clear the way to an approval with the right terms for you.

If you need a commercial mortgage for an investment property or the place to operate your business, we will help you find and get you approved for the program that is right for your business. Call me, e-mail or click on the button so we can discuss your situation. The availability of commercial loans has never been better, let’s get started.

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